Current GK General knowledge 2022 January to December

By | June 9
Current GK General knowledge 2022 January to December | General Knowledge In Hindi | Current GK In Hindi 2022 Current affairs latest gk questions 2022 Latest General Knowledge Current Affairs Quiz GK 2022

Current GK General knowledge 2022 January in Hindi करंट अफेयर्स समसामयिक

1. सयुंक्त राष्ट्र के 9 वें महा-सचिव कौन बने हैं?
2. देश के पहले हेलिकाॅप्टर पायलट संस्थान की शुरुआत कहां हुई है?
3. भारतीय टेस्ट क्रिकेट टीम लगातार कितने मैच से अपराजेय है?
4. इनसेट 1-ए सेटेलाइट को किस साल में प्रक्षेपित किया गया?
5. शेरशाह सूरी के दादा इब्राहिम सूरी का मकबरा कहां हैं?
6. पानीपत का दूसरा युद्ध किस-किस के बीच हुआ?
7. कोयना बांध कहां स्थित है?
8. सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप कौनसा है?
9. राज्यसभा की बैठकों की अध्यक्षता कौन करता है?
10. जम्मू और कश्मीर का रेलपथ किस रेलवे जॉन के अंतर्गत आता है?

Ans : 1. एंटोनियो गुटेरेस 2. बेंगलुरु 3. 17 मैच 4. 1982 में 5. नारनौल 6. हेमू और अकबर के बीच 7. महाराष्ट्र 8. एशिया 9. उपराष्ट्रपति 10. उत्तरी रेलवे

Current GK General knowledge 2021 January to December

Current GK General knowledge 2022 January to December

Current GK General knowledge 2022 January to December
1st Constitution Somalia: Somalia support assembly to draft constitution on August 1, 2012 to end decades of support for a draft constitution bill Bejagrihyuddh an important step.

Horn of Africa nation outgoing government Pukaraantrim end of an eight-year period. Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has declared Kisomalia expressed happy now, left the transitional period. A special assembly process supported by traditional elders to the nation Chunkiness took eight days to debate and new Votsn vidhan, corruption-riddled government approaches the end of its mandate as 20 August
Current GK August General knowledge 2022 2nd Myanmar abolished direct media censorship: August 20, 2012, he Nveentmapani Myanmar‘s quasi-civilian regime, but journalists face a formidable Anyaniji dramatically improved by restrictions on daily newspapers and a pervasive culture of selfcensorship including the ban. Under a new state functions now report to journalists before Prashutprkashn sensor, ending a practice strictly Lagusanik nearly half a century during the rule that ended in March last year. Previously, every song, book, news, Cartunriport and art required approval by teams of sensors planned Pakshasia bite out political messages and criticisms of the most repressive
governments Current GK August General knowledge 2022 .3. China’s coal mines hundreds this year to close the task state Prshasnsurcsha (SAWS) said the country (China) for another 625 small coal mines all the official warnings travel job to turn this off 2 banking recruiting more information Lianveentm as the death toll in an effort to reduce the number of fatal accidents Warskoyla mine explosion mounted to 43, raising concerns over safety

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