Current Affairs Quiz May 2021 For UPSC SSC Railway Exam 2021

By | July 24
Current Affairs Quiz May 2021 For UPSC SSC Railway Exam 2021 Daily Current Affairs Quiz IBPS PO/Clerk Exams, Railways & Postal Exams Best Current Affairs

Current Affairs Quiz May 2021

Current Affairs Quiz May 2021

1.एक वर्ग गज में कितने वर्ग फुट होते हैं?
(क)3 वर्ग फुट
(ख) 6 वर्ग फुट
(ग) 9 वर्ग फुट
(घ) 27 वर्ग फुट
2.किसी भी अपराध की साजिश रचने वाले पर आईपीसी की कौनसी धारा लगाई जाती है?
(क)धारा 120 और बी
(ख) धारा 323
(ग) धारा 334
(घ) धारा 353
3.जैन धर्म के 24वें तीर्थंकर भगवान महावीर का जन्म कहां हुआ था?
(ख) कुंडग्राम
(ग) कुमारा
(घ) नालंदा
4.रामगढ़ विषधारी अभयारण्य कहां है?
(ख) अलवर
(ग) भरतपुर
(घ) जैसलमेर
5.असम में कितनी संसदीय सीटें हैं?
(ख) 14
(ग) 20
(घ) 29
6.अरुणाचल प्रदेश के सियांग क्षेत्र में शरद ऋतु के देवता (पोड़ी बरजी) के लिए कौनसा नृत्य किया जाता है?
(ख) रिजु दुने
(ग) लूर
(घ) डांडिया
7.वर्ष 1967 का ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार किन्हें दिया गया?
(क)के.वी.पुतप्पा, उमाशंकर जोशी
(ख) सुमित्रानंदन पंत
(ग) फिराक गोरखपुरी
(घ) विश्वनाथ सत्यनारायण
8.मकर संक्रांति की पूर्व संध्या पर सिख समाज कौनसा त्योहार मनाते हैं?
(क)गुरु नानक जयंती
(ख) वैशाखी
(ग) गुरु गोविंद सिंह जयंती
(घ) लोहड़ी
9.नकटी माता का मंदिर कहां है?
(ख) टोंक
(ग) जयपुर
(घ) दौसा
10.केरल हाई कोर्ट की पहली महिला जज कौन थी?
(क)सुजाता मनोहर
(ख) अन्ना चांडी
(ग) पी.जानकी अम्मा
(घ) के.के.उषा

Current Affairs Quiz May 2021 Ans : 1 (ग) 2 (क) 3 (ख) 4 (क) 5 (ख) 6 (ख) 7 (क) 8 (घ) 9 (ग) 10 (ख)

RRB 2021 Exam: The railway is going to be exams for close to 90 thousand positions. For this, millions of cadidatus have apply. Cadidatus has also started preparing the exams. About 25 per cent of the questions related to general knowledge and current affairs will be asked in this exams. So can’t ignore it. For questions related to current affairs then the best way is to contact the newspaper and news sites. We are here to tell you what kind of questions may come in exams current affairs Vinod Khanna received grandfather
Vinod Khanna was awarded posthumously the ‘ Dada Honor Phalke Award ‘ for his contribution to Indian cinema.
Anish become India’s youngest gold medalist
15-year-old shooter Anish Bhanwala became India’s youngest gold medalist by winning men’s 25 meter rapid fire pistol finals with record score at Commonwealth Games.
World’s first long-range electric bus line
The opening of the world’s first long-range power bus line on April 12 happened in Paris.
Sion Nehwal won gold in CWG
Signed in women’s singles final of the Commonwealth Games Nehwal won the world’s number three player PV Sindhu to beat the gold medal from 21-18, 23-21.
Indian Air Force to have Gagan Shakti practice
The Indian Air Force (IAF) practiced Gagan Power on April 15 to demonstrate its accuracy in day and night capabilities.

Modi inaugurates first health center carried out in Bijapur
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the first health centre under the Ayushaman India scheme in Bijapur of Chhattisgarh.

Eastern Godavari district with fully LED street light
East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh has become the country’s first led street light district. Around 3.1 lakh LED street lights have been planted in the district.
Announcement of National Film Awards
65 They were declared National Film Awards. “Newton” was awarded the best Hindi film. Award of Best Actor for ‘ Nagar Kirtan ‘, Riddhi Sen and Best Actress award for ‘ Moms ‘ was given to Sridevi.

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